SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

ALVisionRecognition API

NAOqi Vision - Overview | API | Tutorial

Namespace : AL

#include <alproxies/alvisionrecognitionproxy.h>

Event list


bool ALVisionRecognitionProxy::changeDatabase(const std::string& databasePath, const std::string& databaseName)

By default, databases are located on the robot in “/home/nao/naoqi/.local/share/naoqi/vision/visionrecognition/” folder. The default database name is “current”.

This method allows to choose another database by providing its name and folder. For further details, see: Teaching NAO to recognize objects.

  • databasePath – Absolute path of the database on the robot, or “” to set default path.
  • databaseName – Name of the database, or “” to set default database name.

true if success.

void ALVisionRecognitionProxy::clearCurrentDatabase()

Clear the current database. Warning: all files in the database folder will be deleted.

void ALVisionRecognitionProxy::detectFromFile(const std::string& filename)

Search for known objects in the given image file.

  • filename – Absolute filename of the image to be searched.
int ALVisionRecognitionProxy::getMaxOutObjs()

Get the maximal number of detected objects for each detection.

Returns:Number of maximal objects to be detected.
int ALVisionRecognitionProxy::getSize()

Get the size of the current database, i.e. number of objects stored in the database.

Returns:Number of objects in the current database.
std::string ALVisionRecognitionProxy::getParam(const std::string& paramName)

Get vision recognition parameters. Available parameters are:

  • “db_path”: database path on the robot
  • “db_name”: database name
  • paramName – Name of the parameter to get.

Value of the parameter as a string.

bool ALVisionRecognitionProxy::learnFromFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& tags, bool isWholeImage = true, bool forced = false)

Load the image from the given filename and learn it with given information about name, tags, boundary.

  • image – Image to interpret as an object.
  • name – Name of the object, must be a non-empty string.
  • tags – List of tags of the object, to be stored with the object, can be empty.
  • isWholeImage

    Boolean, True by default.

    True: the object occupies the whole image.

    False: automatic detection of the border of the object. Use only when the object stands out well from an uni-color background.

  • forced

    Boolean, False by default.

    True: the learned object will replace a possible existing object (criteria: having the same original filename).

    False: if a object alreay exists with the same filename it won’t be replaced and the method will abort.


true if success, false otherwise.

void ALVisionRecognitionProxy::setMaxOutObjs(int maxOutObjs)

Set the maximal number of detected objects for each detection.

  • iMaxOutObjs – Number of desired objects to be detected between 1 (default) and 10.
void ALVisionRecognitionProxy::setParam(const std::string& paramName, const AL::ALValue& paramValue)

Deprecated since version 1.22: “resolution” can now be set with ALVisionExtractor::setResolution; “scoreThreshold” is not used anymore.


Event: "PictureDetected"
callback(std::string eventName, AL::ALValue value, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when a visual pattern previously learned is recognized.

  • eventName (std::string) – “PictureDetected”
  • value – Informations related to the detected picture. Please refer to ALVisionRecognition for details.
  • subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –