SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Setting Pepper‘s WiFi connection

Network settings

Network settings section allows you to set the connection to the network.


Setting WiFi connection

To choose and configure one of the displayed WiFi networks, see: Standard WiFi connection.

Specific cases

If you ... See ...
have been provided with a QR Code WiFi connection using a QR Code
must use a hidden network WiFi connection to a hidden network
need to configure the MAC address filtering of your WiFi accesss point MAC Addresses

Standard WiFi connection

Step Action

Select one of the available WiFi networks.


Note: Choose a Wifi network having one of the Supported personal securities.

Complete the required parameters.


Click the Connect button.

../../_images/wiz_pep_3of3wifi3.png ../../_images/pep_setting_network.png

Supported personal securities

Pepper supports WEP, WPA & WPA 2 personal securities.


For WEP only the passphrase of 5 characters for WEP40 and 12 characters for WEP104 are supported, always prefer the hexadecimal representation which is the only standard.

WiFi connection using a QR Code

If you have been provided with a QR Code:

Step Action

Click the qrcode QR code button and follow on-screen instructions.


WiFi connection to a hidden network

To connect Pepper to a hidden network:

Step Action

Click the add_wifi_button Add WiFi button.


Note: choose a WiFi network having one of the Supported personal securities.

Complete the required parameters, and click the Connect button.

MAC Addresses

MAC Addresses section displays the MAC Addresses you could need if your WiFi access point requires to set the MAC Address filtering.
