SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?


Detailed Description

Simple usage

#include <qi/property.hpp>

A property is basically a simple variable that you can set and get.

qi::Property<int> p;
std::cout << p.get() << std::endl;


It also allows you to have callbacks called when the property is changed.

void callback(const int& value) {
  std::cout << "New value: " << value << std::endl;

// ...

qi::Property<int> p;

This will print:

New value: 42
New value: 24
New value: 12


This output is not guaranteed. callback is called asynchronously, thus the multiple calls may be running in parallel and print a different implementation-dependent output.

Custom setters and getters

You can set a custom getter and setter on a property.

int getter(const int& value) {
  std::cout << "User is requesting value" << std::endl;
  return value;

bool setter(int& storage, const int& value) {
  std::cout << "User is changing value from " << storage << " to " << value
    << std::endl;
  if (value < 0)
    std::cout << "Cannot set to negative values" << std::endl;
    return false;
    storage = value;
    return true;

// ...

qi::Property<int> p(getter, setter);
std::cout << "Property is " << p.get() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Property is " << p.get() << std::endl;

This will print:

User is changing value from 0 to 42
Property is 42
User is changing value from 42 to -12
Cannot set to negative values
Property is 42


If a callback is connected on the property, it is not triggered when the setter failed to set the new value.

You can of course use boost::bind and qi::bind for custom getters and setters to bind this or extra arguments. You can also specify a custom setter without specifying a getter. The next example shows these two points.

class MyClass {
  MyClass() : prop(qi::Property<int>::Getter(),
      qi::bind(&MyClass::propSet, this, _1, _2)) {

  qi::Property<int> prop;

  bool propSet(int& storage, int value) {
    ++_setCounter; // count the number of times the property has been set

    storage = value;
    return true;

  qi::Atomic<int> _setCounter;


qi::Property Class Reference



  • Inherits: qi::PropertyImpl< T >

Public Functions

Property(Getter getter)
Property(AutoAnyReference defaultValue, Getter getter)
Property<T>& operator=(const T& v)
FutureSync<T> get() const
FutureSync<void> set(const T& v)
SignalBase* signal()
FutureSync<void> setValue(AutoAnyReference value)
FutureSync<AnyValue> value() const
Property<T>::ScopedLockReadWrite getLockedReadWrite()
Property<T>::ScopedLockReadOnly getLockedReadOnly() const


typedef PropertyImpl< T > ImplType
typedef typename ImplType::Getter Getter
typedef typename ImplType::Setter Setter

Detailed Description

Povide thread-safe access to a stored value and signal to connected callbacks when the value changed. qi::Signal which implement a similar pattern but without storing the value. For more performance in a single-threaded context, consider using UnsafeProperty instead. qi/property.hpp

Function Documentation

qi::Property<T>::Property(Getter getter = Getter()
qi::Property<T>::Property(AutoAnyReference defaultValue, Getter getter = Getter()
Property<T>& qi::Property<T>::operator=(const T& v)
FutureSync<T> qi::Property<T>::get() const
FutureSync<void> qi::Property<T>::set(const T& v)
SignalBase* qi::Property<T>::signal()
FutureSync<void> qi::Property<T>::setValue(AutoAnyReference value)
FutureSync<AnyValue> qi::Property<T>::value() const
Property<T>::ScopedLockReadWrite qi::Property<T>::getLockedReadWrite()


Returns:Acquire write-enabled scoped thread-safe access to the value stored in this object.
Property<T>::ScopedLockReadOnly qi::Property<T>::getLockedReadOnly() const


Returns:Acquire read-only scoped thread-safe access to the value stored in this object.